ISD workshop series

One of the main activities in the network is the yearly organised workshop “The Image Schema Day” (ISD). The workshop series has been organised at different venues and with different formats. For more information have a look at the information below.

Current workshop – ISD8


November 25-28th, 2024

Part of the 23rd conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA)

—->The eighth Image Schema Day

Past editions of the Image schema day


September 4th, 2023
Rhodes, Greece

Part of the 20th Int. Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2023)

Invited speaker:
– Brandon Bennett, University of Leeds (UK)

—-> Proceedings


March 24-25th, 2022
Jönköping, Sweden

The sizth edition of the Image schema day was a two day stand-alone event in Jönköping, Sweden.
—-> Proceedings


Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

The forth edition of the workshop took place at TriCoLore 2019.


December 13-15th, 2018
Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

The fourth edition of the workshop took place at TriCoLore 2018.

ISD invited speakers:
– Marianna Bolognesi
– Irene Mittelberg

—-> Proceedings


September 21-22nd, 2017
Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

Workshop at the Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO).
ISD4 was the first time the workshop accepted paper submissions.

Invited speakers:
– Todd Oakley
– Nicola Baroni

—-> Proceedings


August 22nd, 2016
Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

The second edition of the Image Schema day was held as an invite-only event.


October 2nd, 2015
Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

The first image schema workshop was held as an invite-only event.

Invited speakers:
– John Bateman
– Nicola Guarino
– Tony Veale